Thank you for reviewing this book and putting all my feelings on a blank page!! I recently picked up Bunny too because I saw it on instagram and it was compared to Yellowface which I adored and devoured.

This book had some really amazing things, its commentary on MFA programs - which I felt hit so close to home. Coming from New England as well, I really l loved the descriptions of people and place.

But overall I was just so confused and by the last quarter I was unable to grasp what was going on. I too found the concept of their obsession with these men to be troubling and not really in line with who I thought their characters were.

Overall the writing was masterful. I just think in the end, I’m not a horror, magical realism kind of reader because I couldn’t understand the end and I really wanted to!

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ahahah you're welcome! Thank you for reading this! I haven't seen it compare to Yellowface! I loooooved Yellowface but I don't think I'd have compared the two.

I think the MFA parts are some of the best. It fits really well into the story, but I can see where she was going with the bigger picture/commentary.

Right?! Yeah I think that the obsession with the men was for some reason the most bothersome to me and I haven't really seen it talked about much, other than to suggest that they loved in these men the things they hated in Samantha, which is a fair and interesting take. But it just felt so out of line with the characters I'd been following for 200 pages.

But as you say, the writing was brilliant. For me that's what kept me reading more than anything is I was just HOOKED. And I think that's really powerful, that you and I both aren't super into the genres but somehow still walked away thinking about it so much. It's really impressive!

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Angela, this book absolutely ruined me when I read it last year. (I listened to the audiobook too, which was somehow more disturbing???) I think about it all the time.

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Right?! What was your take?! I would love to listen to the audiobook in a couple years. I feel like that must have been such a wild ride.

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Aug 23Liked by Angela Tyler

I read Bunny last week!! I’ve been in the mood for weird literature~ and this book totally satisfied the craving. After I read the last lines (Jonah being mud???) I immediately went to Reddit and read other readers theories about the story which made me want to reread it haha

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It is SO WEIRD. The last line though is AMAZING. I very rarely am one for last lines but that one hit me like a ton of bricks.

I DID THE SAME THING ABOUT REDDIT 🤣🤣🤣 It's where I go for all my (no pun intended) rabbit holes!!

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Someone else said they listened to the audiobook which was even more disturbing and I think in a year or so I need to do that

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I think this book was written almost as an inside joke for English Majors. Not because we’re taught how to analyze writing as readers, but because as writers in school (especially in pretentious programs) we are told to “kill our darlings.” Either way, it’s a total trip! 🐇 🦢🦌

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I think you're right! I've heard this theory a few times and I really like it! There was definitely a lot of MFA / workshop emphasis that, even though I haven't taken those workshops since undergrad I found myself really relating too and rolling my eyes at with Samantha. One of my favorite things about this book is the satire and I think it's done SO well in these scenes!

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Definitely! Another reader of yours commented and described the writing as masterful, and I completely agree!

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deletedAug 22Liked by Angela Tyler
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ahhhhh this is SUCH A RELIEF! When I hit publish I was like, I hope Madeline likes this!! 👀

I feel the same, I doubt I'll ever read anything like this again and it's part of why I felt like I HAD to read it. I don't think I could have gotten through it if the writing wasn't as masterful as it was. The writing made this book in my opinion.

The killing your darlings bit is something that's really resonated with me the more time I have away from the book. One of those themes I picked up on while reading but that has really sunk into me the more time has gone on.

I heard someone else say that they listened to the audiobook and it was somehow more disturbing and I feel like in a year or so I need to do that

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