LOL totally relate to this. Also I loved The Rachel Incident!! It was one of my favorite books of 2023

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SO good!!! I can’t wait until a year or two has passed and I can re-read it haha. Did you read her debut, Promising Young Women?

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Not yet!! But it’s on my list, have you?!

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I can so relate to this! I am that same type of friend. While I do hate this about myself sometimes, my friends also know that I love them dearly and me not responding is in no way lack of caring for them.

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ahh yes you get it!!! I think finding a friend group who gets it is so key here because like you said, they'll know and get you and that it isn't a reflection on them. I'm just sort of a hermit!

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Sep 8Liked by Angela Tyler

So deep. The irony of an introvert is that they appear not to care and find it hard to express or carry it around, but deep down they hold you dear friend so deep in their heart that your every emotion is weighed heavily by their dear heart

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So relatable. Totally understand.

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ahh thank you!! Sometimes I feel like a crazy person with these thoughts. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in them!

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This is far too relatable 🫠 I adore my friends with all my heart but communication seems to be our downfall! I used to be so much better and now by the time it gets round to me replying it’s been a month and I’m filled with guilt. They’re just as bad, too, so it works! 😂 loved this Angela

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The not-responding-to-text-for-weeks has happened to me and i hate it.... It makes me feel like something is wrong with me.... If you're reading this please try to reply to people instead of leaving them on delivered for 3 weeks...

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Hey, thanks for commenting with your experience! I'm so sorry you've gone through that and that you felt that way. I've been through that with certain friends and I totally get how upsetting it could be in the right circumstances. 🖤

In this particular scenario, it's pretty common for us both to take weeks to respond because these are LONG messages, and in between those responses, we'll send shorter, one-off messages, IG responses, etc, to keep in touch on a more day-to-day level.

It works for both of us but I think that's the key. Each friendship is different and the key is to make sure both people are communicating their needs and have an understanding of what each can give to the friendship at any given time. For me, I'm always there in an emergency or if you send a text that lets me know you have a quick question or need my advice or something time sensitive, I'll always respond ASAP. But I do take a long time to respond to casual catch ups. It's just not my communication style, but my friends know this and we expect it from each other.

But of course, if you're feeling neglected and have communicated that and are still getting no response, that's just awful and I'm so sorry! I hope you're able to sort things out soon, no one deserves to feel like there's something wrong with them. 🖤

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To be honest, this post was super relatable, even tho I'm not 100% like this. First of all, i prefer in person communication, so thats usually the reason why I don't respond quickly. Now if its just quick texts, sure I'll respond in a few minutes. But i prefer deep soul bonding conversations, or even just talking about our day, to actually be in person. So if i had a good day, or a bad day, or i am going through something, i most likely won't text for a month or two. But that doesn't mean I'm not REALLY wanting to talk to my best friend, or not thinkimg about them.

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deletedJul 17Liked by Angela Tyler
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It's definitely anxiety related for me too! If it's a quick text I'm good about responding but if it's related to plans or takes energy or requires a thoughtful response I will just sit on it foreverrrrrr. I'll usually spend so much time thinking about the text and feeling guilty about not responding but then continue not responding. It's really silly, but I never break the cycle either.

You will love The Rachel Incident!!

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