Angela! This is so incredible! 🤎

Firstly, congratulations -- what a wonderful opportunity and the comments you received must have made you feel so proud of all the hard work you have done. And secondly, I would love to hear what it was like working with a developmental editor. As someone still in the very early stages of wanting to get a book published, seeing how other aspiring authors are working towards their dreams is so inspiring and interesting to me.

Once again, congratulations!

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aww thank you Madeline!!! 🥹 You know, I've been thinking more that the comments were a relief — a relief I was on the right track, a relief I was moving forward, but as silly as it sounds I actually didn't stop to feel proud which is just ridiculous! So thanks for the little reminder to do that. <3

I think I'm going to work on a post for next week about working with a developmental editor. I really didn't know anything about it until I did, and it seems like that's the case for a lot of debut authors. I don't think it's something anyone should feel pressured to do but for me, it really made the difference when I was honestly at a standstill for what to do next. I hate to think what would have happened to my book if I'd just seen all those rejections and folded.

But I'm right there with you — I love seeing everyone's journey so I think it'd be a great resource. Thank you for saying something about it!

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Congratulations, Angela! Definitely interested in learning more about your decision to work with a developmental editor and your experience with them.

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Thank you, Nicola! I think I'm going to work on a post about my decision to work with a developmental editor in the next week or two. It seems there's a bit of interest and I know that I certainly didn't know anything about working with one before I did. It'll be fun to do, thanks for sharing that you'd be interested! :)

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Looking forward to it!

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This is awesome - Congrats! And, yes would love to hear more about working with a developmental editor.💫

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Thank you so much! I might just have to write this one 🤔

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Jun 6Liked by Angela Tyler


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YAY is right!!!! Thank you!!! 🤗🤗🤗

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