deletedJul 15Liked by Angela Tyler
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When I saw you had been binging The Bear I was so excited for your thoughts!

Can we agree Season one was PERFECTION, especially that episode that was all filmed in one take?! Brilliant.

Richie is such a fascinating character because I didn't like him at all in the beginning and he slowly grew into one of my favorites. It was so slow I didn't even realize it was happening, which I love when that happens. He's so FUNNY! Speaking of Tina, I feel the same with her. I couldn't relate to her at all in the beginning but slowly I grew to understand her and after her standalone episode in S3 I felt like I finally got it. That was one of my favorites of the season.

Sugar's episode surprised me. I'm on the fence if we needed a WHOLE episode dedicated to it, but I also understood the need to repair that relationship and I thought it was, in the end, very beautifully done.

Oh my god So Many Faks. I like them in small doses but it was too much for me to have them with more screen time than basically anyone else. I agree with you though, I wanted to see them all together. That was really the missing element for me and part of what made Season One so strong.

I am always down to chat about The Bear because besides my mom and husband I don't know anyone else either which like...how is that possible it's one of the greatest shows on TV/streaming right now!!!

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deletedJul 16
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😆 I did this too with the rewatch. Any excuse!

Yes!! That's exactly it about Richie, I LOVE when shows can do that. I remember feeling the same way about Thomas in Downton Abbey haha. He was SO horrible at the beginning and then at some point I was all, "wait I.....like him now??" The episode with Tina was so beautiful. It really explained so much about her. My husband kept thinking her husband was going to be a ghost for some reason 😆

Oh my gosh I know right?! I feel like Season Four is going to take just as long 😫 Are they trying to torture us?!

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